Sunday, April 29, 2012

wanted:one shining moment

I figured out what is missing in my life, or at the very least what I am wanting. In re-watching 'Journey's End' from the 4th season of Doctor Who, The Doctor says, "And for one moment, one shining moment, she was the most important woman in the whole wide universe."
That's what I want(no- what I need)-to be someone's most important person. My kids have grown away from that-after being ripped away from me by the state, my husband says that I am it for him-but his actions speak louder than his words ever will.
I know that I may never find that-the passion and love from one person that loves me above all others-and that I love back...but I think I have to try.
I know that my kids love me, and my parents too, and in his own self-centered way my husband loves me or at least the idea of me...but no one thinks of me first(even me.)
My mom said it best last week-"If you don't take care of you-who will?"
She was referring to the dental surgery I had 2 weeks ago-but it rings true through the rest of my life as well, who will help me? My husband is off raising a toddler that isn't his-but who needs a parent who knows(sort-of) what they're doing. My "friends" have made it perfectly clear who they value more-my husband. Lying to my face for years-and acting like they supported me-while I hear the truth from other sources-and see it with my own eyes when they think I can't see.
I tolerate them as sometimes I just need to be outside of my apartment-and not at work, but I have reconnected with friends from high school-people who remember me when I was me-not the pale shadow of me I have become. True friends-who have considered driving over 4 hours-just to give me a hug when I really needed one...friends that I only lost touch with after believing something said about them-that was so out of character-so outrageous, that I believed it because of the source-my now estranged husband.
I was so blinded by my love for him-for the one who chose me over his ex-wife...that I took him at his word-about everything-even after he lied to me and his own mother about having a terminal illness-the same one that killed his father. That's right he lied and said he was dying...and we believed him. This past year he came out of left field and said he had a heart attack-and honestly-I'm not sure I believe him. I have yet to see any documentation from a doctor-or even the ER, so I am very guarded about believing him.  What does that say about our marriage-if I doubt every word that comes out of his mouth. I think it speaks volumes....and most of them are lies, and I don't think I deserve that-I don't think anyone deserves that...and sadly the only reason I believe that I don't deserve that-is because no one deserves it...not because it's me.
I have been different all my life-what I consider normal is bonkers to the rest of the world, and people have told me I'm special, that I matter, and that I could do great things. I puff up like a blow-fish and play the part in public or at work-but at home when it's just me-I do not see it. Sure-I can be clever, and the praise when I am is great-but nothing I can do now is enough to get what I want-what I did deserve-my kids back. What kind of mom I could have been-how my kids would have turned out differently-we will never know. That future has been stolen from me along with a large chunk of my heart and soul. I may never get back to who I was or who I could have been-but I have to try. This spiral downward can only have one ending-and I don't want to die alone in my apartment curled up in bed wasting away. Depression is a bitch-but I don't have to let her win, and I certainly don't have to make it easy on her. I will not go quietly into that goodnight-I will not give up without a fight-I'm going to live on-I'm going to survive....I guess today is my independence day...(knew there was a reason I love that quote...)
Next payday, I am having a bracelet made for me-one that quotes e.e. cummings- 'I carry your heart with me-I carry it in my heart'  it will say:
here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
 higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart
i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)

 I love those lines-they are the end of the poem and I have always loved them best...I want someone to tell me that I am the wonder that's keeping the stars apart...that they love me so much I go where ever they go because I am in their heart...forever.
So long now-I have settled-I have given in because it's easy. But look at where that's gotten me-alone blogging in my room-that I only left today to go to the bathroom and to get food from the kitchen. Yes I did converse with other people today on my new smart phone...but I didn't get dressed, so today doesn't count as a productive day. And now I have to go -because that smart phone is ringing...and look who it is...yippee.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

David Tennant's Voice...

I have been listening to David Tennant's audio reading of Stonemouth. It is awesome to hear his real accent. He even does a different voice for each character-even though it's a truly adult book-and it's entertaining. I now want the whole book, and if there is a total audio version by David Tennant-I will own it. And it makes me happy- just the way he speaks...the voice makes me fuzzy inside. I have a great desire to own Hamlet starring David as well. And the Decoy Bride- was a lovely film that I enjoyed very much-but I would love to see the end of the story, as the movie ends on the beginning of a new relationship-a new chapter as it were.  Just some adoration for the 10th Doctor...and the sexy Scotsman who played him-a man whom I love-David Tennant.
Don't judge me....

Monday, April 9, 2012

Journey's End

I just watched the Doctor Who episode 'Journey's End', when Donna ends up losing all her memories of the Doctor-because otherwise she will die. I can greatly relate to that-as two days ago, I asked my husband for a divorce.  The past 2 years, he has been a live in nanny for a boy he is raising as his own.  He didn't father the child-but he is the only father he has ever known.  While I support what and why he is doing it, I cannot live in a holding pattern for the rest of my life.  I have been living alone. I spend my nights alone, I sleep alone, I eat alone.  I pay all the bills except the phone-alone.  I am married only in the legal sense of the word-no longer in the emotional sense, or the physical sense.  I deserve to love and be loved in return-not just when it's convenient or our schedules mesh. I think that everyone deserves that chance-and if I don't speak up and voice what I need-then I don't deserve it.  For the last 6 months or so, I've been in a deeper depression than I have since my teens.  I felt the same loneliness, and hollowness then-which led to a multitude of bad relationships-often abusive ones. I won't let that happen again.  I have more backbone now then I could have dreamt of then... Also, I am not the naive little girl I used to be, I know what love can be, and I know how sex can change you.  My goals now are to get myself squared away-get my sense of self back-and to move forward.  I see what being alone has done to members of my family-and I will not allow myself to get that bad.  I am going to use my income tax return to join a 24 hr gym-so I have no excuses not to exercise- "I couldn't get to the gym before they closed..." oops-the never close. nice try. I don't think I look attractive-so why would anyone else? If I don't care enough about myself to do what I need to do in order to stay healthy-why should anyone care about me? 
I picked up the paperwork to get the legal ball rolling on my divorce. and I took off the ring. that was a big step-taking off the ring. I have worn it for over 7 years...and it feels weird not having it on. The other few times I thought I was done with my marriage-telling him was the worst thing-he promised to change, and to do what ever I needed-it created more drama and strife.  But this time, he simply told me that if that's what I needed-he wouldn't be happy about it-but he wouldn't fight it.  All I felt was relief.  No sadness, no shame, no guilt-just relief that it was done.  Because he didn't fight me at all-makes me think he knew it was coming-and that he doesn't blame me for feeling how i do. 
Right now I'm listening to Coldplay-"Paradise". This is the song that helped me realize just how far I had fallen-from the girl who was going to go to Harvard and graduate as a member of the class of 2000-fast forward to 1998-and me being academically expelled from a state university in the mid-west. Falling into a noticeable depression for the first time-even though i don't remember being happy growing up. I remember liking things-and having fun sometimes-but all encompassing happiness-no. The school always called me a serious child-but I think I was depressed. I felt isolated and alone-as an only child and as a 'gifted' child too. Every year my teachers would say I wasn't working up to my potential-nothing I ever did was good enough-I could have done better. This doesn't help motivate every child-I rebelled against it and took procrastination to a whole new level.
I have reconnected to some of my friends from high school-some have had similar life paths-one who was a year behind me in the gifted program, and like me on the fast track to a college degree-is finishing up her bachelor's degree this spring-exactly one year after I finally got mine-at the age of 34. They remember who I was-and can still see that me-buried deep in my eyes. That gives me hope-hope that someday I might recognize myself in the mirror-and possibly like what/who I see. All I can do now is forge ahead and slowly pick up the pieces-and see if they even fit anymore. Each Journey's End is also a beginning-the beginning of something entirely new...Wish me luck!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Am I the April Fool?

So-the fiction/reality thing is better-ish. I see what life is, and what I dream it could be. The Tv shows I watch, show me what could be possible-a close knit group of people who work together- a love that surpasses your wildest dreams-saving the world, repeatedly.  My job seems so unimportant-"makin' copies" and the 'friends' I have in my life now-aren't what they seem. As I've said before-my marriage is complicated-and mostly theoretical, and I'm alone most of the time. At work I wear a mask-the happy mask of someone who is enjoying life-and at home-the mask comes off-especially since no one is there to see it anyway-the person most aware of a mask-is the one wearing it.  I have moments of joy-that fade so quickly that the darkness that takes their place is so black and deep that the light is unimaginable-cannot possibly exist. Hope is a concept-and it doesn't live here. I find myself thinking the worst will happen-and sarcastically mentioning the ideal-as something that isn't even possible. This doesn't make me feel any better-but simply greases the spiral slide down. I guess I'll have to see what tomorrow brings-and whether or not my cynicism is well founded. Gee that was cheery-wasn't it.